Students with festive outfits.

Welcome to Cass City Elementary School




The STEM Fair is Tuesday, March 25th from 6-8 pm in the Jr./Sr. High School Gym. Come on out and check out all of this year's projects!


This week's SOAR winners are...

K- Abigail Woolner & Ryker Wills

1- Jaxson Rowe & Ophelia Stanley

2- Beau Rienas & Preston Shadley

3- Benson Duvall & Lenyx Schotter

4- Ryan Stout & Trinity Redfield

5- Ashley Palmer & Konnar Novosad

6- Aubrey Boyce & Jamuan Pettis

Mother/Son Night

Mother/Son Movie Night will be sponsored by the PTO on Sunday, April 27th. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Interested in Preschool?

There are several tuition free and low cost preschool programs in Tuscola County for children 3 and 4 years of age. This is a joint preschool interest form for Tuscola GSRP and Head Start.  Please complete the attached intake form to indicate interest in programming. A copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of family income will be needed in order to move forward with possible preschool placement.
Preschool placement is based on a child’s age, family income, child’s eligibility factors, and availability of programming.
This online form includes a few short sections asking you to share information about your child and family.

Reminder: FREE Breakfast is available to ALL students...

Hello Red Hawks!  Just a reminder that FREE breakfast is available every school day to ALL students!

Elementary Calendar


March 2025

14 - Half Day/End of 3rd MP

28 - Half Day

31 - No School/Spring Break (through April 4)

April 2025

7 - School Resumes

18 - No School/Good Friday

25 - Half Day/PDD

Increased Respiratory Symptoms and other Illnesses

Dear family/guardians: We are seeing increased cases of Influenza A and B, Covid, strep throat and stomach flu within the elementary and JR/SR high schools. Please remind your child/children to wash their hands, of sneezing into the elbow, and not to share water bottles with peers. Also, we have backpack Covid tests available for students, if you want a Covid test, please contact the school.

Hot Breakfast

Cass City Elementary will now be serving Hot Breakfast on Tuesday's and Thursday's. A couple samples of hot breakfast are: Breakfast Pizza and Pancakes and Sausage. Cereal Kits WILL NOT be offered on the hot breakfast days. Remember breakfast starts at 7:35 and ends at 7:50. Have your children arrive early enough so they can finish breakfast before heading to their classroom. Students must be in their seats at 8:00 am

2024-2025 School year information

Breakfast will be served starting at 7:35 a.m. each morning.  Non breakfast students should not be dropped off before 7:45 a.m..  Non breakfast students will not be allowed in the building until 7:50 a.m. There is no supervision until 7:35.

School starts at 8:00 a.m.

Once again, parents will not be allowed to walk their child to the classroom in the morning.  If anyone needs to come into the building they must report to the office.

Student's will be dismissed at 3:08 p.m..

If you have any busing questions please call the Bus Garage at 989-872-5618.