Board Policy - 3000: Operations, Finance, and Property
3100 General Operations
3102 Smoking, Tobacco Products, Drugs, and Alcohol
3104 School Cameras and Monitoring
3106 Booster Clubs, PTOs, and Other Support Groups
3106-F Booster Clubs, PTOs, and Other Support Groups
3112 Hours and Days of School Operations
3115 Nondiscrimination and Retaliation
3116 District Technology and Acceptable Use
3118 Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy
3200 Finance and Borrowing
3202 Budget and Truth in Budgeting/Taxation Hearings
3208 Surety Bonds of District Officials
3211 Post-Issuance Tax Compliance
3212 Post-Issuance Disclosure Compliance
3213 Electronic Transactions of Funds and Automated Clearing House Arrangements
3300 Facilities, Real and Personal Property
3301 Purchasing and Procurement
3302 Acquisition of Real Property
3303-F Gifts and Donations Form
3305 Sale or Lease of District Property
3307 Construction Administration
3308 Distribution of Printed Material and Advertising in School
3400 School Safety and Security
3401 School Cancellation, Delay, and Early Dismissal
3402 Drills, Plans, and Reports
3406 Integrated Pest Management
3500 FOIA Requests and Record Retention
3501 Freedom of Information Act
3501-AG Freedom of Information Act Procedures and Guidelines