COVID-19 and other communicable disease updates

Latest Information:

We are still under the Recovery Phase Guidance. This guidance is based on the amount of transmission and a known risk in Tuscola County.

On 12/12/2023, we are in the medium community risk category. We have 3 reported cases in our district. None in the daycare/preschool, 1 in the elementary,   2 at the Jr/Sr High,  and none at the transition center. 

COVID-positive students will stay at home (isolated) for 5 days from the day after their symptoms first started. Students may return to school on day 6th if feeling better. It is recommended they wear a mask for the next 4 days, but it is not required.  

COVID-positive students will remain in the total COVID district count until their 10-day contagious period is completed.

 Here is the link for Tuscola County community risk:

Influenza A and B

Influenza can have very similar symptoms to COVID. We are seeing an increase in sickness and cases of influenza. As of 1/5/2023, we have  2 cases of Influenza A in the elementary school and no in the Jr/SR high. Many parents are keeping their children home with a fever and not feeling well and are not diagnosed with anything. Thank you for keeping them home.  If your child has influenza, please keep them home until they are fever-free without medication for 24 hours, or if they did not have a fever, their symptoms are gone. We now have the ability to test for COVID, Influenza A, and Influenza B with signed parental permission. Please complete the forms below for testing and return them to the school. 

Pink eye

Pink eye cases are present. Please monitor your child for any draining, redness, itching, or pain in their eyes. If symptoms present, keep your child home and have your child seen by a healthcare provider to prevent the spread to other students. 

When to keep your child home from school

 There are things we can do to minimize cases and the potential spread of illness in our school. 

  1. The first thing is to keep your child home if they are sick.
    1. If they have diarrhea, vomiting, or fever, they should stay home for 24 hours. Fever should be absent without Tylenol or Motrin for 24 hours before returning.  
    2. If they had exposure to COVID, influenza, or any communicable disease, they should stay home at the first sign of any symptoms.
    3. Eye draining, skin conditions, excessive coughing, and generally feeling ill or any other signs of illness.
    4. Please let the school know their symptom and when they started. Also, if they have been diagnosed with an illness, the school will use this to track sickness and any patterns of illness that we might be able to detect so we can take steps to help minimize future spread.
  2. Second is good hand washing and precautions to prevent spread, such as cleaning surfaces.
  3. Third is testing if desired and exposed. This is still available and encouraged, especially if community risk and exposure are present.  Multiplex antigen testing and consent forms should be filled out each school year.